
Google Calendar

Apple Calendar

Welcome to iSpeak Calendar

After downloading and installing iSpeak Calendar, the app will appear as a clock icon in the top far-right status menu bar. Clicking this icon will open iSpeak Calendar app.

Moreover, iSpeak Calendar will be in the bottom dock where your running applications are located.

Sign in to Your Calendar

  • Please sign in to your Google Calendar account in order to allow iSpeak Calendar to alert you based on your Google Calendar scheduled events.
  • When you are signed in and have granted permission to iSpeak Calendar, there will be a check mark to indicate successful connection with Google Calendar, and the Sign In button will change to "Edit Google Calendar". If you click "Edit Google Calendar" button, you will open a Google Calendar website in your browser.

  • Alternatively, you may also connect or sign in to your Apple Calendar account in order to allow iSpeak Calendar to alert you based on your Apple Calendar scheduled events.
  • When you are signed in and have granted permission to iSpeak Calendar, there will be a check mark to indicate successful connection with Apple Calendar, and the Sign In button will change to "Edit Apple Calendar". If you click "Edit Apple Calendar" button, you will open the Apple Calendar app on your Mac.

  • *If you sign in to both Google and Apple calendars, iSpeak Calendar will alert you based on events in both Google and Apple calendars and try to avoid reducdancy.
  • *iSpeak Calendar has been verified by Google. It is safe and secure and protects your privacy.

Is iSpeak Calendar ON/OFF/Paused?

There are 3 colors of status indicators.

RED means you are not signed in to any calendar yet, and so iSpeak Calendar can't alert you of any event.

GREEN means you are signed in to at least one calendar (either Google or Apple), and iSpeak Calendar is ON to alert you of any upcoming events.

YELLOW means iSpeak Calendar is paused. iSpeak Calendar is connected to one of your calendars, but will not notify you of any events until it is restarted again. You have 4 options to restart iSpeak Calendar - 1. Restart automatically in 30 minutes. 2. Restart automatically in 1 hour. 3. Restart automatically in 24 hours. 4. Restart manually when the "Start iSpeak" button is clicked.

Reload Calendar

iSpeak Calendar automatically reloads your calendar events every 15 minutes. However, if you edit your calendar such as adding a new event and would like to make sure that iSpeak has the most up-to-date calendar, you may click in order to manually get iSpeak Calendar to update to the latest schedule right away rather than waiting for auto refresh.

Personalize with Voices


You can select the voices to speak out loud the prelude messages and the Event Details.

What Are the Available Voices?

The voice options depend on what are available in your MacOS and your specific device. The standard voice has been set to be either Alex, who speaks English with an American accent, or your MacOS default voice if Alex is not available on your machine.

Some voices are more formal while some others are playful (such as Bubbles, Deranged,​ Good News, and Zarvox). Some children may enjoy the playful voices. You can also choose Random, which has 2 options: one is English only which includes American, British, Scottish, and Australian accents; the other is "all accents" which may randomize among a variation of accents such as Mexican, Italian, French, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc.

Please click the "Test Greeting Voice" and "Test Event Voice" buttons to hear the voices selected in the drop boxes.


The foreign voices will speak English with foreign accents. They may also be able to speak some limited foreign languages such as in Custom Prelude and the numbers.

Most details will always be announced in English, but some other parts such as the prelude may be in other languages (limited capability). To try whether the foreign voices can speak the language you're interested in, please select the right language for the content you have entered in Custom Prelude and in your event details in your calendar. If you enter a Spanish message, but select a Japanese voice, iSpeak Calendar won't be able to speak the message (sorry - while iSpeak is somewhat multi-lingual, it can get confused! ;D) So please make sure to select the right voice for the language you use in your message.

Customize Your Messages

1. Prelude

This is the message that precedes the event details. The prelude is often useful to get people's attention and prepare people to get ready to listen before the event details are spoken. Without the prelude, sometimes the spoken notification might catch you by surprise while you (or your kids) are in the middle of some other activity, and you might miss the event details message. You may think of the Prelude Message as the front porch of a house.

You can make the prelude greetings as fun, funny, or specific as you like.

2. Event details

The event details are required. You cannot uncheck this part. iSpeak Calendar will read out loud the event details you have entered in your calendar.

3. How long until event

This part is optional. You may choose to have iSpeak Calendar tell you how many more minutes until the event. This option is helpful for many people especially children or busy people who need multiple notifications at several intervals before a particular scheduled event is supposed to occur. For example, you might set the first notification to be 30 minutes before an event to allow ample time to get ready. Then, you might have another alert at 15 minutes to know it's almost time but you don't have to be there yet. Then, at 5 minutes, you know you have to get ready to log into the meeting or you child has to be at the computer to prepare to join a class session.

4. Current time

iSpeak Calendar can also tell you the current time to help you get a sense of time before the event is supposed to take place. This feature has helped many children and busy adults have greater awareness of time and get ready (e.g. "Oh it's now 10:45!").

Set Alert Intervals

Right Timings: When do you want to be reminded?

The default alert intervals at 30, 15, 10, 5, 3, and 1 minute(s) before a particular event have been recommended as the optimal frequency for most families. You may adjust to more or fewer notifications per event, according to your personal preferences, needs, and circumstances.

iSpeak Calendar may also remind you after the event is supposed to take place ("Are you doing [event details]?") This feature is very helpful for kids and adults who have a tendency to procrastinate or miss their events. For example, iSpeak Calendar may ask, "Are you doing Language Arts homework?"


How to Quit?

You may also quit or terminate iSpeak Calendar that is running:

1. Click the iSpeak Calendar app in the bottom dock of your screen.

2. Click iSpeak Calendar on the top left menu bar of the screen, next to the Apple icon.

3. Click Quit iSpeak Calendar.

"Quit" will close the application, and iSpeak Calendar will not be working at all. Please search for iSpeak Calendar on your Mac and open the app again in order to start iSpeak Calendar.

Share, Help

Please give the gift of an organized life by sharing to your friends and families who might benefit from iSpeak Calendar. If you have any questions or issues, or need to contact us, please feel free to click Help to come to this page. We'd love to help you resolve any issues. Please contact us at info@alphabets.me.

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you. Please send us an email if you have any questions, problems, suggestions, or any feedbacks! Thank you so much.

© 2021 iSpeak Calendar by Alphabet Labs

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